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Andrew Le

A member registered Jun 06, 2020

Recent community posts

why cat pack cost $4 instead of $3 =3= i wonder

oh gosh love it, i will buy all the animals, please make the mega-pack for all animals. thanks!

love it <3

sorry cuz I did not make it clear. I hope you will create a bundle of all animals in 1 pack to instantly buy

hello, does the thunder effect pack 3 exist? i will wait to buy the megapack? thanks

we really need a demo animation...

i don't know how to unlock the premium one. please guide me

hi, does this contain the pixel art pack? thanks

hi, I really want to know what kind of animations these characters have? can you post demo all animation of 1 character?

please make the animated water...

please make the mega-pack! thanks!

please make the mega-pack x'D

<3 damn fun thanks

thank you so much <3

no sir, u missed 1-1, 1-3, 3-1, 3-3.

please upload the aseprite file for your supporters. please thanks

more more pls <3 willing to buy

Awesome, I will wait for the complete pack.

Hi please make the mega-pack for all the characters! I wish to buy all for once. thanks!

I wish to pay for the full asset bundle. awesome works. thanks for sharing free